Talent Attraction & Job Hunting Resources

Market reports, skills shortage solutions and careers advice from our experienced tech recruitment consultants.

12 min read

Pride Beyond June: How to Create a Truly LGBTQ+ Inclusive Workplace

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, creating an inclusive workplace is not just the right thing to do; it’s also a smart business move. Organisations that embrace diversity and foster an inclusive…

11 min read

Recruitment Guide (Part 2): How to Reduce Recruitment Costs

How can I cut down on recruitment costs? This is a question often asked by employers, hiring managers and recruiters – and for good reason.

9 min read

Recruitment Guide (Part 1): How to Calculate Recruitment Costs

Every business needs to recruit employees – they are the ones that keep a business up and running, make it thrive and determine how successful it will be in the future. However, bringing in the best and the…

13 min read

How ChatGPT and AI Will Impact Cybersecurity Leaders

When OpenAI introduced their revolutionary AI language model ChatGPT in November 2022, users were left astounded by its remarkable capabilities. However, this initial fascination soon transformed into genuine…

12 min read

Rethinking Disability: Insights from Ford Motor Co's IT and D&I Lead

Did you know that nearly one-fifth of the UK's working population has a disability? However, the story becomes quite different when we shift our focus to the tech sector. Despite the industry's remarkable…

15 min read

How to Recruit Efficiently, Compliantly and With Reduced Costs

Did you know that when you have a job opening in your organisation, it can take up to 63 days and an average of £3,000 to fill? However, in the quest for top talent, time and money are the two important…

12 min read

7 Qualities of Top Tech Talent: What to Look for in Your Next Hire

What are you looking for when hiring top tech talent? After reading this blog, you might want to reconsider. Hiring for any position can be difficult, but nowhere is this more obvious than in the tech world.…

12 min read

How to Implement Business Automation: Best Tools and Practices

As businesses continue to operate in an ever-changing landscape, it's essential to keep up with the latest trends and technology to remain competitive. One of the most significant developments in recent years…

11 min read

The Future of DevOps: Top Trends and Challenges for 2023 and Beyond

Over the past decade, DevOps has transformed from a niche trend into a massive movement with widespread adoption across industries. What began as a practitioner-led movement has now grown into a massive…

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