Talent Attraction & Job Hunting Resources

Market reports, skills shortage solutions and careers advice from our experienced tech recruitment consultants.

12 min read

Surprising Data Trends and Challenges for 2024

As the global economy continues to face significant challenges and uncertainty remains the buzzword of the era, data becomes the new oil for businesses across sectors. In this unpredictable environment, data…

10 min read

How Sustainable Is Your ‘Sustainable’ Electric Vehicle?

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is in full swing, with governments, automakers, and individuals around the world embracing this new technology to combat climate change, achieve zero emissions and reduce…

6 min read

Ageism in Tech: Remove Unconscious Bias to Recruit Wider Talent Pools

Often described as ‘the last acceptable prejudice’, ageism is increasingly rife inside the cultures of businesses that have spearheaded diversity and inclusion across minority groups. Despite the fact that…

3 min read

IT Jobs Market Report: What Employers/Tech Professionals Can Expect in 2024

As technology continues to shape the modern world, the demand for tech professionals remains high in various fields. As of 2021, it is estimated that over 18 million people were employed in the technology…

12 min read

Why Is Tech Failing Women? – Voices from Our Virtual Roundtable

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the glaring gender disparities persist as a reminder of the industry's challenges. Against this backdrop, our recent roundtable discussion for Women in Tech…

14 min read

Strengths of ADHD in the Workforce & How to Support Employees With ADHD

ADHD receives a lot of press for the challenges and difficulties associated with the condition, but the positive side is almost entirely neglected. Professionals with ADHD offer a vast variety of strengths,…

7 min read

How to Improve Employee Retention

In addition to worldwide disruption and devastation, Covid-19 has had a monumental impact upon the way we think about our careers. Workers across industries have been forced to take a step back and understand…

14 min read

Empowering Women in Tech – A Conversation with Alessandra Cantù

Empowering Women in Tech is an interview series by Templeton & Partners designed to provide a vibrant platform for women in the tech industry to connect, share experiences, and draw inspiration from each…

12 min read

Overcoming the Challenges in Recruiting Tech Specialists

From e-commerce and cloud computing to data mining and artificial intelligence, the global economy is becoming more and more dependent on digital technology. Today, information technology (IT) is an integral…

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