Management Blogs & Careers Advice

Leading The AI Generation – Understanding the Impact of AI

Written by Templeton | Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Head of Privacy and Cyber Security at Bosch, Ekaterina Serban shares:
•    Her career journey and experience coaching women through the male-dominated tech space
•    Lifelong digital footprints and unseen harms of AI for children
•    Building Generation Alpha – the future tech-first workforce
•    What Bosch are doing to lead inclusive online privacy.



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Hard Truths & Future Opportunities of AI – Changing the World

Ekaterina’s 16 years’ experience at Bosch, in addition to her background in Law and Economics, informs her expertise in Cyber Security challenges and solutions, particularly Identity Access Management, Data Protection and Global Cyber Security Strategy.  Ekaterina’s Data, IT Governance and business leadership spans the USA, Mexico, China, India, Malaysia, Turkey, the UK, Germany and Russia. Ekaterina will also share:

The Tech Industry’s Role in Leading the Future of AI

•    How can we overcome decades of bias and the lack of women in AI to lead inclusive technology and practices?
•    Most current leaders represent Generation X and Millennials. How can employers bridge the generational and technological gaps to prepare for and build their future workforce?
•    How will businesses reach and communicate with future customers through AI?
•    How can we teach the next generation to communicate and collaborate for an inclusive working environment?

The Professional & Personal Impact of AI on Future Generations

•    Teenagers spend 8 hours a day on devices, which is linked to mental health and suicide risks. How can we equip parents to educate themselves before educating children on the impact of technology?
•    75% of parents share their children’s data on social media. What are the unforeseen consequences of a lifelong digital footprint?
•    With a lack of government understanding or regulation, how can cyber security and privacy professionals create the safest online world for the future? 
•    As both a tech leader and a parent, how have you communicated with your children to help them understand the impact of technologies and empower them to help themselves?