A leading global technologist and entrepreneur, Kay harnesses her abiding interest in how humanity can equitably benefit from new technologies, especially AI, to spearhead IT innovation. The world’s first Chief AI Ethics Officer and co-founder of AI Global, Kay is consistently recognized as a leading woman in AI, and was featured in the New York Times’ 10 Women Changing the Landscape of Leadership 2021.

Kay’s impressive resume includes a career as a barrister, Judge, author and professor, and a plethora of AI leadership positions including Chief Officer of the Ethics Advisory Panel at Lucid AI, Technical Advisory Group member at the Foundation for Responsible Robots, and currently serving as Executive Director at the Centre for Trustworthy Technology.

In this webinar Kay will discuss Generative AI challenges and opportunities including:

  • How will AI regulation impact innovation and capabilities?
  • What are the real human costs and benefits of AI globally?
  • How can we improve data sources and management to eliminate unethical AI practices?
  • What ground will AI break that will fundamentally change our understanding of the world and the way we live?

Kay will also share how world-leading tech teams are pioneering Generative AI to reach and serve customers, drive revenues and efficiencies, and better understand our world.

Sign up below to join our Fireside Chat with one of the world’s leading AI innovators.

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